CheckGenFullCharB:=function(Generators) Out:=<>; for i in [1..#Generators] do gen:=Generators[i]; ng:=#gen[2]; M:=RSpace(IntegerRing(),ng); BM:=Basis(M); B:=[BM[i]*gen[2][i]:i in []]; CharLattice:=quo; BW:=[]; for i in [1..#gen[1]] do V:=M!0; for j in [] do V:=V+BM[j]*gen[1][i][j]; end for; Include(~BW,V); end for; CharWeight:=sub; if #quo eq 1 then Append(~Out,Generators[i]); end if; end for; return Out; end function; CheckIndOrd:=function(IndTuple) if #IndTuple ge 2 then for i in [1..#IndTuple-1] do if IndTuple[i] gt IndTuple[i+1] then return false; end if; end for; else return true; end if; return true; end function; CreateCharIndB:=function(Char,n) Out:=<>; IndSet:=CartesianProduct(<[1..#Char]:j in [1..n]>); for j in IndSet do if CheckIndOrd(j) then Append(~Out,j); end if; end for; return Out; end function; WeightDiffB:=function(gen,Ind1,Ind2) NewWeight:=<>; for i in [1..#gen[1]] do if i eq Ind1 then w:=<>; for j in [1..#gen[1][Ind1]] do Append(~w,(gen[1][Ind1][j]-gen[1][Ind2][j]) mod gen[2][j]); end for; Append(~NewWeight,w); else Append(~NewWeight,gen[1][i]); end if; end for; return ; end function; CompareChar:=function(char1,char2) counter:=1; while counter le #char1 do if char1[counter] lt char2[counter] then return -1; elif char1[counter] gt char2[counter] then return 1; else counter:=counter+1; end if; end while; return 0; end function; ChangeWeightOrderB:=function(gen,CompareChar) if #gen[1] ge 2 then w:=[]; for i in [1..#gen[1]] do Append(~w,gen[1][i]); end for; sw:=Sort(w,CompareChar); SWeight:=<>; for i in [1..#gen[1]] do Append(~SWeight,sw[i]); end for; return ; else return gen; end if; end function; CheckIndB:=function(Generators,gen) for i in [1..#Generators] do if gen[1] eq Generators[i][1] then return i; end if; end for; return 0; end function; BRelation:=function(Generators) Out:=<>; IndSet:=[]; for j in [1..#Generators[1][1]-1] do for l in [j+1,#Generators[1][1]] do Include(~IndSet,[j,l]); end for; end for; for i in [1..#Generators] do gen:=Generators[i]; for k in [1..#IndSet] do if Generators[i][1][IndSet[k][1]] eq Generators[i][1][IndSet[k][2]] then Theta_1:=WeightDiffB(gen,IndSet[k][1],IndSet[k][2]); Theta_1:=ChangeWeightOrderB(Theta_1,CompareChar); Append(~Out,); else Theta_1:=WeightDiffB(gen,IndSet[k][1],IndSet[k][2]); Theta_2:=WeightDiffB(gen,IndSet[k][2],IndSet[k][1]); Theta_1:=ChangeWeightOrderB(Theta_1,CompareChar); Theta_2:=ChangeWeightOrderB(Theta_2,CompareChar); Append(~Out,); end if; end for; end for; return Out; end function; ConjugationRelationB:=function(Generators,G,K,T,Grp,Iso) Out:=[]; Act:=Normalizer(T,G) meet Normalizer(T,K); for i in [1..#Generators] do gen:=Generators[i]; for g in Act do GenUnderConjugate:=<>; for j in [1..Ngens(Grp)] do Append(~GenUnderConjugate,Eltseq(Iso(Inverse(Iso)(Grp.j)^(g^(-1))))); end for; NewWeight:=<>; for k in [1..#gen[1]] do wei:=<>; for l in [1..#gen[1][k]] do S:=0; for t in [1..#GenUnderConjugate] do S:=S+gen[1][k][t]*GenUnderConjugate[t][l]; end for; Append(~wei,S mod gen[2][l]); end for; Append(~NewWeight,wei); end for; Newgen:=; Newgen:=ChangeWeightOrderB(Newgen,CompareChar); Ind:=CheckIndB(Generators,Newgen); if i lt Ind then Include(~Out,[i,Ind]); elif i gt Ind then Include(~Out,[Ind,i]); end if; end for; end for; return Out; end function; //G is an abelian, K is a subgroup of centralizer of G, T is the whole group. CompB:=function(G,K,T,n) Grp,Iso:=AbelianGroup(G); Generators:=<>; NG:=Ngens(AbelianGroup(G)); Ord:=; CharTemp:=CartesianProduct(<[0..Ord[i]-1]:i in [1..#Ord]>); Char:=<>; for i in CharTemp do Append(~Char,i); end for; CharInd:=CreateCharIndB(Char,n); for j in CharInd do Weight:=<>; for i in [1..#j] do Append(~Weight,Char[j[i]]); end for; Append(~Generators,); end for; Generators:=CheckGenFullCharB(Generators); if #Generators ne 0 then BRel:=BRelation(Generators); CR:=ConjugationRelationB(Generators,G,K,T,Grp,Iso); FullLattice:=RSpace(IntegerRing(),#Generators); Base:=Basis(FullLattice); RelationBase:=[]; for i in [1..#BRel] do b:=Base[BRel[i][1]]; if #BRel[i] eq 2 then b:=b-Base[BRel[i][2]]; end if; if #BRel[i] eq 3 then b:=b-Base[BRel[i][2]]-Base[BRel[i][3]]; end if; Append(~RelationBase,b); end for; for i in [1..#CR] do b:=Base[CR[i][1]]-Base[CR[i][2]]; Append(~RelationBase,b); end for; B,QuoMap:=quo>; return B,QuoMap,Generators,FullLattice,RelationBase; else return 0,0,0,0,0; end if; end function; CheckInConjUnderNGK:=function(grp,ConjUnderNGK,K,G) for i in [1..#ConjUnderNGK] do if IsConjugate(Normalizer(G,K),grp,ConjUnderNGK[i]) then return true; end if; end for; return false; end function; CompBC:=function(G,n) Out:=<>; List:=SubgroupLattice(G); SubCentralList:=[]; for i in [2..#List] do if IsAbelian(List[i]) then Cen:=Centralizer(G,List[i]); for Grp in AllSubgroups(Cen) do for j in [2..#List] do if IsConjugate(G,Grp,List[j]) then Include(~SubCentralList,j); end if; end for; end for; end if; end for; SubCentralList:=Sort(SubCentralList); GKTList:=<>; for i in [1..#SubCentralList] do AllSub:=AllSubgroups(List[SubCentralList[i]]); ConjUnderNGK:=<>; Append(~ConjUnderNGK,AllSub[1]); Counter:=2; while Counter le #AllSub do if IsAbelian(AllSub[Counter]) then if List[SubCentralList[i]] subset Centralizer(G,AllSub[Counter]) then if CheckInConjUnderNGK(AllSub[Counter],ConjUnderNGK,List[SubCentralList[i]],G) then Counter:=Counter+1; else Append(~ConjUnderNGK,AllSub[Counter]); Counter:=Counter+1; end if; else Counter:=Counter+1; end if; else Counter:=Counter+1; end if; end while; for k in [2..#ConjUnderNGK] do Append(~GKTList,); end for; end for; for i in [1..#GKTList] do i,#GKTList; B,QuoMap,Generators,FullLattice:=CompB(GKTList[i][1],GKTList[i][2],GKTList[i][3],n); Append(~Out,); end for; print("Done"); return Out; end function;